For time  

100 double under
30 Handstand push up
30 double dumbbell/kebtl step up over
30 toes to bar
30 Double dumbbell/kebtl front squat
100 double under 

Objectif: Entre 12 et 15 minutes!


4x – 3’ rest 

5 bench press @ 85% 1RM
5 push up claquées

For time  

100 double under
30 Handstand push up
30 double dumbbell/kebtl step up over
30 toes to bar
30 Double dumbbell/kebtl front squat
100 double under 

Objectif: Entre 12 et 15 minutes!

EMOM 3’ x3
Min 1: 45s double ketbl rack carry @ 24/12
Min 2: 45s suit case carry @ 30kg/20kg
Min 3: 16/18 push position pull trough @ 30/20kg